Reaching People on Social Media
Promoting yourself on social media is the easiest, cheapest, and fastest way to spread your products or projects across the globe. Everyone is connecting to some sort of social media. Most of your fans will find you on social media, but in order to make your fans, your network needs to be shared across the Internet. Social Media is not just about promoting yourself; you could also use social media for interacting with people involved in the industry. You could “ask questions/ask for advice, discover inspirations and technologies or techniques, and be privy to the creative process of practitioners you admire”(SAE creative institute, 2016). By the use of social media, today it is so much easier to be discovered and to discover other creative people. As well as, getting to know more people with common interests and sharing knowledge with each other.
I was mostly using social media for inspirations. I usually use Instagram and Pinterest since they both are the common visual Social Media in my opinion. I never thought about sharing my own art on either one. It seems scary at first that some people will not like it. However, I am just starting my journey, and everyone has to start at some point. I decided to create an account on Instagram for my art and throughout the years, as my skill improve, I will gain more and more follows and more people will be seeing my work and perhaps make my own fans one day.
I’m using Instagram because for marketers it is quickly turning into the must-have social media. According to Alex York from sprout social, a survey from the Global Web Index conducted that “53% of consumers preferred to follow brands on Instagram, which was the highest rated social media platform in the study. Additionally, 44% of consumers said they prefer to use Instagram for brand research, which was also the highest among all other platforms” (York, 2016). This is probably because people like to use their visual senses first before the actually start reading about the project or product. The eyes are attracted by the product, project, or art first and then if you are interested you see more pictures and read more about it in the comment. People do not like to see more than they like to read.
All in all, I need to reach people through social media to promote myself as well as learn and grow more. I prefer Instagram to the other platforms because my work is almost completely visual. People want to see the final results of the project, not read about it. Instagram helps me do such thing. Even though the videos are maximum 1 minute long, it is enough time to grab people’s attention and want to see more of the animation. Other than that, people can access images of my artwork and if they are interested to find out more, they will look for more of my artwork throughout my account.
York, A. (2016, April 13). Sprout Social. In How to Successfully Promote Your Instagram. Retrieved from
SAE Creative Institute. (2015, March 9). Self-Directed Practitioners. In Week 3: Social Media & Your Career. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from